Friday, November 21, 2014

Mood Meter

The Mood Meter is a nice way for students to check-in and self reflect on how their day is going.  The red and yellow quadrants represent high energy, where the blue and green quadrants represent low energy.  Meanwhile the red and blue quadrants represent unpleasant feelings and the yellow and green quadrants represent pleasant feelings.  We use the meter to chart where we are feeling and we write an explanation for our mood in our Writer's Notebook.  We have discussed how it is okay to be anywhere on the mood meter, but that our goal may be to reach the yellow or green quadrants by the end of the day.  It is a nice way to check-in with students throughout the day.

A Look at Next Week:

Social Studies- We will continue to take notes on Lesson 5.4 "The Thirteen English Colonies."

Language Arts and Reading- We will continue to put our research into our Sitting Bull Glogs.
Essential Questions:  
How can challenges affect yourself and those around you (i.e family, friends, etc)?
How do characters, real and fictional, respond to challenges  (both positively & negatively)?
How are challenges conquered in literature and informational text?

Word WorkSpelling:  There will be no Spelling this week.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Science- We finish our web-notes on Lesson 6.3.
Essential Questions:  How do organisms compete and survive in an ecosystem? How do ecosystems change over time? How do people affect ecosystems?

Math-  We will wrap up Lesson 2.8 "Estimating Products," and will work on Lesson 2.9, "Multiplying by One-Digit Numbers."

Important Days:
Monday- Roller Skating Party
Tuesday - Robert Crown Field Trip
Wednesday-Friday- No School- Thanksgiving Vacation!

Have a great weekend!