Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Thank you to everybody who helped make our Halloween party a success!  Thank you so much for bringing in supplies, setting everything up, and organizing the games.  The kids had a great time!

A Look at Next Week:

Social Studies- We will finish our web-notes on Lesson 5.2 "New European Colonies," and will begin to read Lesson 5.3.

Reading- We will continue to work in our ELA centers.  We will discuss how Slow's character changes as he grows up, and students will be introduced to our research project on Sitting Bull.
Essential Questions:  
How can challenges affect yourself and those around you (i.e family, friends, etc)?
How do characters, real and fictional, respond to challenges  (both positively & negatively)?
How are challenges conquered in literature and informational text?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will not have Spelling this week.
Vocabulary-  Students will continue to make skits about their vocabulary words on the iPad, and will have a vocabulary quiz on Friday.

Language Arts- We will continue to apply our writing strategies by revising fragments and run-on sentences.  Students are going to be revising their published piece of writing.

ScienceWe will finish reading Lesson 6.2, and begin to take our web-notes on this lesson.
Essential Questions:  How do organisms compete and survive in an ecosystem? How do ecosystems change over time? How do people affect ecosystems?

Math-  We will begin Chapter 2, and will be focusing on prime factorization, and exponents.

Important Days:
Monday- No School
Tuesday- No School- Teacher Institute- Go Vote!
Friday - Family Bingo Night 6:30-8:00pm

Have a great week!