Friday, January 30, 2015

A Peek at Next Week

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will take the Chapter 6 test on Tuesday, and then we will begin Chapter 7 "The Fight for a Continent."

Reading- Students will continue our new unit, "Nature's Fury."  We will continue our close reads of articles about earthquakes and hurricanes.
Essential Questions:  How does a force of nature that is far away, affect me?
How can a force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
What are forces of nature?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 21, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- We will continue to incorporate the use of quotation marks in our writing.

Science- We will finish taking notes on Lesson 11.2 on the water-cycle and will hopefully take an open-note assessment on Thursday.
Essential Questions:  What causes weather?
What conditions affect the water cycle?
How can patterns in weather be observed?

Math-  We will review Chapter 3 and take our division test on Wednesday.

Important Days:
Friday- Bingo Night

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Natural Disaster Assignment

Natural Disaster Article:

Visit the National Geographic website:

Then pick a natural disaster to read about.  Click on the picture of the natural disaster and read the article.  Jot down notes in your Reading notebook about natural disasters, and be ready to share them with your partner on Thursday.

Friday, January 23, 2015

A Peek at Next Week

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will finish Chapter 6 and begin reviewing for the test.

Reading- Students will continue our new unit, "Nature's Fury."  We will be doing close reads of non-fiction articles about earthquakes and hurricanes.
Essential Questions:  How does a force of nature that is far away, affect me?
How can a force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
What are forces of nature?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 19, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- We will incorporate the use of quotation marks in our writing.

Science- We will finish taking notes on Lesson 11.1 and will hopefully take an open-note assessment on Thursday.
Essential Questions:  What causes weather?
What conditions affect the water cycle?
How can patterns in weather be observed?
Math-  We will be solving division problems when there are zeros in the quotients.  Students will take a quiz on Lessons 3.5 and 3.8 on Tuesday.  

Important Days:
Wednesday- 5th Grade Spelling Bee

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Trade Fair

The Trade Fair

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will read Lessons 6.3 and 6.4 on colonial life, and slavery.  

Reading- Students will begin our second unit titled, "Nature's Fury."  We will be going over essential questions, learning targets, and defining the term Natural Disaster.

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 18, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- We will continue to practice our revising and peer-editing skills.

Science- We have moved our barn owl quiz to Tuesday.  Then we will begin Chapter 11 on weather.  
Math-  We will be looking at division patterns and dividing with compatible numbers.  Students will take a quiz over lessons 4.1-4.5 on Friday.

Important Days:
Monday- No School- Martin Luther King Day

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Peek at Next Week

A Look at Next Week:

Social Studies- We will read Lesson 6.2 on colonial life.  We will take web-notes on city life, small colonial towns, and southern plantations.

Reading- Students will be finishing up our mini-unit on perspectives and point of view.  They will be writing a fairy tale from a different perspective.

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 16, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- We will be practicing our revising and peer-editing skills.

Science- Students will dissect owl pellets on-line and then in person.  They will be identifying bones found in the pellet and decipher what their owls ate.  On Friday they will take a quiz on barn owls.

Math-  We will take pretest on Chapter 4, and will begin our unit on division.  Students will start by dividing with whole numbers.

Important Days:
Tuesday- Reading MAPS Testing 9:50-10:50
Thursday- Math MAPS Testing 9:50-10:50
Friday - Early Dismissal- Favorite Sweatshirt Day

Have a great weekend, and stay warm!