Friday, February 27, 2015


Test Taking Tips:

Relax. Just do the best you can. 

 Your first choice is usually correct. 

Don't change an answer unless you have a good reason to do so. 

Be aware of key words such as "all," "now," "always," "never," "only," "exactly." 

 In multiple-choice questions, don’t skip the longest answer. 

Watch for negative words like "not," "no," "never."  

Look for information in some of the questions. This information may help you answer other questions. 

You can assist your child prepare for testing by doing the following:  

Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep before a test, and make sure your child eats properly the day of a test. 

Maintain a pleasant home environment and avoid unnecessary conflicts. 

Try to make the morning of the test a pleasant one. 

Do not add to your child’s stress. 

Make sure your child has taken any needed medication. 


Get your child to school on time the day of the test. 

Wish your child good luck each morning of the test. 

Remind your child the test is important. Encourage him/her to do his/her best. 

If your child is too ill to attend, please call the school office. 

Remind your child to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and to read the directions and each question carefully. 

Explain to your child the importance of using time wisely. 

Tell your child that he/she is special and that you believe in him/her! 

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will begin Chapter 8, "The Road to War."  Students will be reading Lesson 8.1 "Trouble Over Taxes," and will be taking cause/effect notes throughout the chapter.

Reading- Students will continue our unit, "Nature's Fury." We will continue to work on our new vocabulary words, and explaining how earthquakes and hurricanes are natural disasters. 
Essential Questions:  How does a force of nature that is far away, affect me?
How can a force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
What are forces of nature?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 27, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language ArtsStudents will be revising their narratives.

Science- Students are beginning Chapter 12 "Earth's Oceans."  They will finish reading and taking notes on Lesson 11.1, "What are the Oceans Like."  There will be an open-note assessment on Lesson 11.1 on Thursday or Friday of next week.
Essential Questions:  What causes weather?
What conditions affect the water cycle?
How can patterns in weather be observed?

Math-  We will begin dividing with decimals.  We will go over estimating quotients (Lesson 6.9), dividing with decimals using models (Lesson 6.10), and diving with decimals using the algorithm (Lesson 6.11).  

Important Days:
Monday- PARCC Math Test Part 1
Wednesday- PARCC Math Test Part 2
Friday- End of the 1st Trimester, and Paul Revere's History Mystery Presentation

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 20, 2015

A Peek at Next Week

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will review Chapter 7 and take the test on Thursday.

Reading- Students will continue our new unit, "Nature's Fury." We will continue to work on our new vocabulary words from our article on earthquakes and hurricanes.  
Essential Questions:  How does a force of nature that is far away, affect me?
How can a force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
What are forces of nature?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 24, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language ArtsStudents will continue to work on the pre-writing for their narratives.

Science- Students will take their Chapter 11 test on Tuesday.
Essential Questions:  What causes weather?
What conditions affect the water cycle?
How can patterns in weather be observed?

Math-  We will review Chapter 4, and take a test on Wednesday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day Party:
Thank you to all who made our party possible!  We had a fantastic time!

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will read and take notes on Lessons 7.3 "The French and Indian War."

Reading- Students will continue our new unit, "Nature's Fury."  We will continue to discuss earthquakes and hurricanes, and what constitutes a natural disaster.  We will take an assessment on finding the gist and cause/effect.  
Essential Questions:  How does a force of nature that is far away, affect me?
How can a force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
What are forces of nature?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 24, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- We will finish our descriptions of our favorite moments in 2014, and will begin the pre-writing process for a narrative.

Science- We will continue to practice taking Cornell notes on Lesson 11.3 on weather patterns, and take an open-note quiz on Wednesday.
Essential Questions:  What causes weather?
What conditions affect the water cycle?
How can patterns in weather be observed?

Math-  We will take a quiz on Lessons 4.1-4.3 on Tuesday, and then we will finish the rest of Chapter 4.

Important Days:
Friday- No School
Monday-  No School
Thursday- PARCC Parent Night at LV 6:00-7:00pm
Friday- Spring Picture Day

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Peek at Next Week

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will read and take notes on Lessons 7.1 "The Spanish Move North," and 7.2 "French Exploration of the Mississippi."

Reading- Students will continue our new unit, "Nature's Fury."  We will continue to discuss earthquakes and hurricanes, and what constitutes a natural disaster.
Essential Questions:  How does a force of nature that is far away, affect me?
How can a force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
What are forces of nature?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 23, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- We will continue to incorporate the use of quotation marks in our writing, and will work on a winter haiku.

Science- Our Lesson 11.2 open-note assessment has been pushed back to Tuesday.  We will then move on to Lesson 11.3, which is about tools to help measure weather, and weather patterns.
Essential Questions:  What causes weather?
What conditions affect the water cycle?
How can patterns in weather be observed?

Math-  We will begin Chapter 4 "Dividing by a Two-Digit Divisor."  We will be working on estimating quotients, and using estimation to help us find the exact quotient.

Important Days:
Monday- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wednesday- Early Dismissal
Thursday- Valentine's Day Party
Friday- No School

Have a great weekend!