Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends.  Thank you all so much for letting me teach your children and for providing me with a wonderful school year.  Enjoy your fantastic meals and good luck to all the holiday shoppers!

A Look at Next Week:
Social Studies- We will finish our web-notes on Lesson 5.4 "The Thirteen English Colonies," and we will review for our chapter test.

Reading- We will continue to work in our ELA centers during Daily 3.  We will finish our Sitting Bull Glogsters and present our projects.
Essential Questions:  
How can challenges affect yourself and those around you (i.e family, friends, etc)?
How do characters, real and fictional, respond to challenges  (both positively & negatively)?
How are challenges conquered in literature and informational text?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 14, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- Students will take their pre-test on punctuation and begin the first two lessons on sentences and proper nouns.

ScienceWe will finish our Lesson 6.3 notes and take an open-note quiz on Tuesday.  We will review the rest of the week and hopefully take the chapter test on Friday.
Essential Questions:  How do organisms compete and survive in an ecosystem? How do ecosystems change over time? How do people affect ecosystems?

Math-  We will finish Chapter 2 on multiplying and we will take a test on Thursday.

Important Days:
Tuesday-1st Trimester Report Cards go "Live"
Wednesday- Choir Holiday Concert at Yorktown Mall

Happy Thanksgiving!