Friday, November 14, 2014

A Girl with a Cape, by Amy Logan

We loved our author's visit from Amy Logan.  She gave a very energized and engaging talk about how kindness affects others and how there is a super hero inside everyone.  The kids were not only excited to meet and listen to Mrs. Logan, but they were exuberant when they walked into school this morning to find out they had their own "capes" made by our PTO.  Thank you to all on PTO who helped make this author visit extra special.

A Look at Next Week:

Social Studies- We will finish our web-notes on the Puritans, and will read Lesson 5.4 "The Thirteen English Colonies."

Reading- We will continue to work in our ELA centers during Daily 3.  We will continue to research different topics regarding Sitting Bull, and begin our Glogster.
Essential Questions:  
How can challenges affect yourself and those around you (i.e family, friends, etc)?
How do characters, real and fictional, respond to challenges  (both positively & negatively)?
How are challenges conquered in literature and informational text?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 13, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will play word games on the iPad and Scrabble.

Language Arts- Students will turn in their published pieces of writing on Wednesday, and will continue our unit on punctuation.

ScienceWe will finish our discussion on succession.  The Lesson 6.2 open-note quiz has been pushed back to Wednesday.
Essential Questions:  How do organisms compete and survive in an ecosystem? How do ecosystems change over time? How do people affect ecosystems?

Math-  We will take a Lesson 2.1-2.5 quiz on Tuesday.  Then we will be going over the distributive property, and estimating products.

Important Days:
Friday - End of First Trimester

Have a great weekend!