Friday, February 15, 2019

A Peek at Next Week

Chromatography Investigation in Science

Valentine's Day Breakout

A Look at next Week:
We will be starting our Too Good For Drugs ten week program.  On Thursday afternoons we will have a police officer from the sheriff's department come in and talk to the kids about peer pressure and making good choices.  The kids really enjoy this time, and it is a great program!

Reading/Language Arts- We will finish up our first round of research.  Students will publish their first piece of informational text on natural disasters.  We will also continue to review and compare different text structures.

Word Work- Students have begun to work with List 6 word parts:  arch, cent, graph, loc, ped/pod, re.

Science-  We will begin Lesson 1.5 "Exploring Another Model of Chromatography."  We will continue to learn about the different properties of molecules.

Social Studies- We will begin Chapter 8 "The Road to Revolution."  We will be reading about the Stamp Act, and Townshend Act.  

Math-  Students will be beginning Unit 3, Lesson 1, "Whole Number and Decimal Place Value."  We have gone over the "Give and Take" strategy for adding and subtracting decimals in Problem Strings this past week, and next week we will be looking at how a decimal point moves when you multiply or divide by ten.

Important Days
Monday- No School
Thursday- Spring Picture Day

Have a great weekend!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day Party