Friday, May 27, 2011

Radio Show Rubric

Radio Show Rubric

Friday, May 20, 2011

Radio Show

Radio Show
During this unit you will be creating an old radio show. After listening to some old radio shows and seeing what they are like, you will get into groups of 3 and create your own radio show.

Your group will need to come up with a story for your radio show. You will need to write out a script that includes sound effects and music clips for transitions. Everyone in your group needs to have a role.

You will need to perform your radio show. You may record the show on your own, or you may perform the show live. This means you will have to practice your show, and you will have to bring any props you need to class the day of your performance.

On the day of the performance you will turn in your script with a cover sheet. Your cover sheet is worth two points and must include the title of your show, author, and the cast of characters.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Theme Song

Next week we are going to look over the highlights of our 7th grade year, just like how Steven from Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, looked over his whole 8th grade year on his graduation day. We are going to find a song that represents the main events that happened this past year. Students will need to have the lyrics to their song and write about how it represents their year.

Theme Song Rubric
30 points total

Front Cover
My 7th Grade Year was________
Symbol/picture that is representative of your year/theme song
the title of your song:
your name
Cover is neat, colorful, creative with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
- All in color and hand-drawn (not computer generated)

________/10 points

Written Explanation
3-5 events
Each event must include the following:
Explanation of event and the significance
Connection of event to a line(s) from song and explain the importance
correct spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout write-up

________/30 points

Friday, May 6, 2011

Create A Comic

Next week in Language Arts we will be creating comic strips. Students will be able to work on their comics in class Wednesday-Friday. Below is what they will be graded on.

Comic Strip Rubric