Thursday, September 23, 2010

Short Story Study Guide

Study Guide

Review the basic story elements and order of events for the following stories:

“7th Grade”
“Thank You Ma'am”

You will be tested on the following vocabulary – use your literature book to look up the definitions:

scowl -
linger -
presentable -
suede -
initial -
chaotic -
wince -
intricate -
scuttle -
cower -

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Peek at Next Week

Next week in Language Arts we will be finishing our narratives. We will be adding sensory detail to our stories, and revising them. Starting on Thursday we will begin typing our final drafts.

In Reading we will read "Rikki-tikki-tavi" in our literature books. Students will also be presenting their book reports on Thursday.

Important Days:
Tuesday- Magazine Turn-in Day
Wednesday- 7th Grade Golf Field Trip
Thursday- Book Reports due
Friday- No School, Teacher's Institute

Friday, September 10, 2010

Origin of Names

Use the following websites to generate 10 facts regarding your first and last name:

Go to Learning Center
On the lower right side of the page – type your name
Do this for your surname (last name) and first name

Use this website to find additional facts about your name.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Story Board Book Report

Due – September 23, 2010

1. PLOT EXPLANATION – (minimum 5 squares, including a detailed explanation underneath each picture. At least 2-3 sentences)

10pts _____

2. DELIVERY – (eye contact, voice level, smoothness, demonstrates knowledge of book)

10pts _________

3. STORY BOARD ( effort, color, neatness, 5 squares minimum, title and author, your name and class period)

10pts _________

Total points = _________/30