Thank you for a wonderful 2nd week of school! I just wanted to let you know that next week we will be doing our Fall MAPs testing in Math and Reading. Please encourage students to get a good night's sleep this week so that they are fresh and alert during testing.
A Look at Next Week:
Reading- Students will continue to identify the main idea or gist of the article or short story they read, and write a summary paragraph.
Word Work- Students will continue to work on their Word Work List 1 slides. List 1 word parts are: aqua, bio, man, uni, phono, and pre.
Writing- Students will continue building their writing endurance in their Writer's Notebook
Math: Students will continue to review Order of Operations and will begin our first unit on expressions, equations, and volume.
Science: Students continue to discuss the stars in our solar system, and our book, How Far is Far, How Big is Big? Students will also conduct an investigation using a simulation of the night sky.
Social Studies: Students will begin studying Chapter 4 in our Social Studies Book: "Spain Builds an Empire."
Important Dates
Tuesday- Math MAPs
Wednesday- Reading MAPs
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!