Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Look at this Week!

Reading- We will be going over different Literature Circle roles that students will soon be doing independently.  We will also be comparing and contrasting story elements such as characters and setting.  
Language Arts- We will begin revising our narrative, and making sure our stories follow a story arc.
Word Work- Students will begin Word Work List 4:  aud, cardio, de, duct, hydro, and quad.

Science-  We will continue to investigate why we see different stars at different times of the year.

Social StudiesStudents will continue to work on a project from their Chapter 5 choice board in Google Classroom.

Math-  Students will be problem solving using ratio tables, and adding and subtracting mixed numbers.

Important Days:
Tuesday- Early Dismissal at 11:00
Thursday- Field Trip to the Tivoli Theater
Friday- Movie Night