Friday, October 17, 2014

A Peek at Next Week

A Look at Next Week:

Social Studies- We will finish reading Lesson 5.1 "Jamestown," and will continue to work on note-taking skills.  During this lesson we will focus on making web notes.

Reading- We will continue building our reading stamina, and setting up our ELA centers.  We will read with partners and listen to the story called "A Boy Called Slow."
Essential Questions:  
How can challenges affect yourself and those around you (i.e family, friends, etc)?
How do characters, real and fictional, respond to challenges  (both positively & negatively)?
How are challenges conquered in literature and informational text?

Word WorkSpelling:  Students will be studying Lesson 9, and will take a test on Friday.
Vocabulary-  Students will continue to work on Marzano's strategies for making words more meaningful.  We will continue to look at how to use some vocabulary apps on the iPad.

Language Arts- We will be working on our writing stamina in our Writer's Notebooks, and find themes in our writing.  We will also be looking at conjunctions, and how to make more complex sentences.

Science- We will begin to read Chapter 6 "Ecosystems and Change."  We will read Lesson 6.1 "How do organisms compete and survive in an ecosystem?"  Again, we will focus on taking notes through webs.
Essential Questions:  How do organisms compete and survive in an ecosystem? How do ecosystems change over time? How do people affect ecosystems?

Math-  Students will take a Lesson 5.4-5.7 quiz on Monday.  They will then continue to work with subtracting decimals.

Important Days:
Thursday- Bus Driver Appreciation Day

Have a great weekend!