Next week we are going to look over the highlights of our 7th grade year, just like how Steven from Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, looked over his whole 8th grade year on his graduation day. We are going to find a song that represents the main events that happened this past year. Students will need to have the lyrics to their song and write about how it represents their year.
Theme Song Rubric
30 points total
Front Cover
My 7th Grade Year was________
Symbol/picture that is representative of your year/theme song
the title of your song:
your name
Cover is neat, colorful, creative with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
- All in color and hand-drawn (not computer generated)
________/10 points
Written Explanation
3-5 events
Each event must include the following:
Explanation of event and the significance
Connection of event to a line(s) from song and explain the importance
correct spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout write-up
________/30 points