We are in the middle of the spirit week leading up to Pack the Place. Pack the Place is an event held to support our athletes.The goal is to pack the gym with as many fans as possible to cheer our basketball teams on. Wednesday, February 3rd, is the girls' basketball game and on Thursday, February, 4th is the boys' basketball game. Before each game there will be a pre-game show with games, contests, and the choir and pep band performances. At the pre-game shows certain teachers will be pied in the face by students. On Wednesday, Mrs. Myers, Mr. Little, Ms. Enzbigilis, Ms. Payne, Ms. Cerney, and Ms. Coppoletta will be pied. On Thursday Mrs. Mesker, Mrs. Mixon, Mr. Safranski, Mr. Windsor, and I will be pied. "Pie in the Face" tickets are being sold during lunch for one dollar. Students' names will be pulled the day of the event to see who will get to pie the teachers. They should be fun days, so come out and support the teams!
Spirit Days:
Monday- Ugly Shirt Day
Tuesday- No School, Teachers' Institute
Wednesday- Green Day
Thursday- Gold Day