Friday, February 8, 2008

A Peek at Next Week

In Language Arts we will be reviewing the mechanics of writing. We will be going over commas, formal letters, direct quotes, titles, semicolons, and colons. In reading we will discuss the second section of The Cay and we will begin reading the third section.

Important Days:
Monday- Hat Day
Tuesday- Green Day- Pack the Place
Wednesdy- Gold Day- Pack the Place
Thursday-Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday- Winter Dance

Poems by our Seventh Graders:

There once was a man from Peru,
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe,
He woke with a fright,
In the middle of the night,
To find that his dream had come true.

"Computer Crash"
There was a title wave,
The little computer tried to save,
The computer washed away,
Like a lifeguard not doing his job that day,
And it really upset Dave.