Thursday, October 27, 2011


PAWS will start on Monday of next week!

Positive Actions With Support
PAWS is a PBIS Tier 2 program designed to help small groups of students meet the Lakeview
school-wide expectations, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe.

Role of the PAWS teachers:
• Connect with PAWS students during Homebase to see how they are and make sure
they have the supplies they need for the day.
• Make sure that PAWS students have all of their assignments written down by Study
• See PAWS students briefly at the end of the day to assess the students’ days and get
their parent form to take home.

Role of Students in PAWS:
• Check in with their PAWS teacher in the morning.
• Bring supplies needed for 1st-5th period to Homebase
• Take their DPR to each class.
• Give the DPR to their teachers at the beginning of class.
• Act Respectfully, Responsibly and Safely during class.
• See their teachers at the end of each class for a brief behavior evaluation.
• Write down their assignments in their assignment notebooks in their classes.
• Check out with their PAWS teacher at the end of 8th period.
• Bring the parent signature form home and get it signed.
• Bring the signed parent form back to school the following day.

Role of all Teachers:
• Monitor the behavior of PAWS students in class.
• Give them a score on the DPR each day based on the Lakeview expectations, Be Respectful,
Be Responsible (on time to class, brings supplies to class, homework completion,
etc), Be Safe.
• Briefly meet with the student at the end of class to explain the scores you gave them.
Students should not be handed their DRP without having their scores explained to
them. For example: I gave you 2 points for being responsible because you had your
homework done, but you only got 1 point for being respectful because you told Johnny
that his question was stupid.”

Role of Parents:
• Try to set your child up for a good day before he/she leaves for school. Having his/her
backpack packed at night might make for a less stressful morning.
• When you and your child get home, please ask him/her how his/her day was. Ask to
see the DPR that was filled out by your child’s teachers that day. Celebrate the points
that your child earned in his/her classes. Encourage him/her in areas that need work.
• Sign the DPR and have your child pack it in his/her bag to take back to school the next

Friday, October 21, 2011


The first two months of school we have been focusing on reading non-fiction texts, since that is the majority of what we read throughout our day. We have been working on strategies that will help us read these texts more efficiently and to help us summarize them. Meanwhile our content has been about inventors. We have read about different inventions, how inventors are able to solve problems, and the different steps inventors take to come up with their product or idea. This past week we have talked about Leonardo da Vinci and how he used his creativity and drawing skills to come up with his great inventions. We will continue to talk more about Leonardo next week.

Important Days:
Sunday: Bears play in London 12pm
Monday: Kick-off to Red Ribbon Week
Thursday: Early Dismissal: School Improvement Day

Friday, October 14, 2011

Vocabulary Quiz

On Tuesday we have a vocabulary quiz in Reading. Students need to know how to spell and define 5 words that are from our Latin word roots unit.

Vocab Words:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Teachers' Institute Day

On Tuesday the Lakeview teachers will continue their training in CRISS strategies. CRISS stands for CReating Independence through Student-owned Strategies. We will be discussing current strategies that we already use in our lessons, and how we will be using them across our grade level.

The main CRISS principles and philosophy include:
1. Metacognition: Good readers are goal-oriented and they know how to attack print and to create meaning. Teachers need to help students use their background knowledge to help with reading comprehension and to set a purpose when they are reading. To help with reading comprehension students need to discuss and write about what they read. Good readers also know how to organize information they received in the text and understand their authors' purpose.

2. Explanation and Modeling: Students learn to become strategic when teachers teach these processes directly through explanation and modeling.

3. Teaching for Understanding: Students come to truly understand by focusing on thought-demanding content.

Lakeview teachers cannot wait to bring our new CRISS strategies into the classroom!