Sunday, April 22, 2018

Paul Revere's Mystery Shop

Paul Revere's Missing Horse

A Look at this Week:
This week we will be raising money for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Foundation through our Spirit Week. 
Monday-PJ Penny Day (wear your pajamas and bring in pennies)
Neon Nickels Day (wear bright colors and bring in nickels)
Dazzling Dimes Day (wear something shiny or unique and bring dimes)
Crazy Quarters Day (wear crazy socks or a hat and bring quarters)
Team up for Leukemia (wear team jerseys or colors and bring all coins) 

Students will also be taking the Illinois Science Assessment on Tuesday.  Please remember to have students bring their charged Chromebooks to school with their headphones.  Thank you!

Science- Students will begin studying a unit on "Earth's Systems."  Students will continue to work on their vocabulary words, and will be going over Earth's four main systems:  atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

ReadingStudents have discussed what hardships are and have reviewed our essential questions.  Now they will do a close read of the song "Yankee Doodle."

Language Arts- Students will continue to work with verb tenses, and will be writing R.A.C.E. responses to questions that will be based on their reading.

Word Work- Students will continue to work with vocabulary words from "Yankee Doodle."  The vocabulary words are:  Yankee, squire, stallion, scattered, targets, broadside, Minutemen, taunt.

Math- Students continue to study Unit 4, Module 3, "Moving from Arrays to Algorithms."  Students will practice using the standard algorithm for multiplication, and will also be working on picking the best strategies while solving story problems. 

Important Dates
Tuesday- Illinois Science Assessment
Thursday- 6:30-8:00 Open House- Art Show in the Gym

Have a great week!