Friday, September 11, 2015

Math Forum Preparations

Preparing for our Math Forum:

Our Math Gallery Walk:

A Look at This Week:
Social Studies- We will read Lesson 4.2 "Different Worlds Collide" and take notes.  We will continue to find the main idea and supporting details in a text.  We will be learning about how the Spanish conquistadors colonized the Americas.
Essential Questions:  
How can one country impact another?
What can we learn from the Columbian Exchange that has impacted other countries today?

Science- We will continue to read lesson 5.1 "How do plants produce food?"  Students will be learning about plant structures and photosynthesis.
Essential Questions: 
How do plants produce food?
How is energy passed through an ecosystem?

Reading- We will continue to work with similes and metaphors, and will be drawing inferences from the text.  We will begin our first ELA unit on challenges.  We will open this unit using Langston Hughe's poem, "Mother to Son."
Essential Questions:
How are challenges conquered in literature and informational text?
How do characters, real and fictional, respond to challenges (both positively and negatively)?
How can challenges affect yourself and the world around you?
Word Work-  We will be introducing and working with the following prefixes and root words:  aqua, man, pre, bio, phon, and uni.
Language Arts- We will continue to build our writing stamina in our Writer's Notebook, and will be working on comparative writing. 

Math-  We will begin Unit 1, Module 2 "Factors, Multiples, and the Associative Property."  We will continue to go over factors, products, writing numerical expressions, and finding volume.  We will also continue to discover how to find the surface area of an object.

Important Days:
Monday- Magazine Drive Kick-off Assembly

Have a great weekend!